
Showing posts from August, 2012


So I'm back, here at Covenant College on a mountain in Georgia. and its strange, unbelievably strange. I forget until transitions come how much I'm connected to physical surroundings. Place is so significant for me and that fact always surprises me. And so I'm setting up new roots in a new house, a new bedroom with new roommates, a new kitchen and a new work place. Its crazy and strange and awesome. but also a little unsettling and overwhelmingly adult-y. I set up trash service today for my house. I have a house. I have a kitchen and a driveway and electric bills. Crazy. Here's a peek at the chaos and the people of my new house. I'll post more pics soon.
Transitions and home and waiting. This is me procrastinating, not packing. not organizing my life into small boxes and packages and stuffing it into my car. But as I just posted, I have everything I need for today. Everything. I choose to believe.

a needed word of encouragement

" Believe it: I have all I need for today. The needs of our day are great but our God is greater and we call Him Providence because we believe:  He is the One who always provides . {And when God provides, He should be praised, and  if God always provides, shouldn’t praise always be on the lips ?}" @Ann Voskamp

loving hard: for Pauli, old thoughts on my old place, now hers

My life is full right now. I am student, RA, friend, daughter, and Christ follower. The roles I step in to everyday are varied and challenging, and I'm still trying to figure out how it's suppose to work. Especially because God has called me to things I can't do, to a person I can't be. God has called me as an RA to give until I die, when I am dead to myself and alive to Christ.  I am suppose to share my coffee creamer, my time, and my tears. I am suppose to lose myself in loving others. I am suppose to be the one who reacts when the fire alarm goes off, when someone has a melt down, when people are crossing lines, when the hopeless can't see the way out. I'm the one who is suppose to be in charge, the one who gets the calls at midnight. I have to learn how to always be willing to say yes. I know there are boundaries, a healthy balance. Saying no is an option. But please don't give me excuses. Jesus has called me to a life of radical self-leaving. I must sa

count 'em*

Its time to count blessings. to be thankful. to remember grace. for mornings woken to quiet energy, sunshine in my window for pruning bushes with hot sun draining hot sweat, the joy of exertion for arranging aromatic herbs destined for windowsills, for freedom from constraints, to choose my time, for an abundance of peace, learning to be quiet alone. Shauna Niequist recently wrote a  blog post  about how she likes to have goals or themes for different seasons of her life that will keep her focused during that time. And I thought this a particularly good idea as I enter into my final fall semester of college. It will be a completely new season of life: living in a house off campus, being a senior, hunting for jobs, answering some relationship questions. I've started thinking about themes for my fall semester and here's what I've come up with so far: 1) Prayer. Learning to rest in quietness, keeping my balance, and living in stability. 2) Freedom from the opinions of