count 'em*

Its time to count blessings. to be thankful. to remember grace.
for mornings woken to quiet energy, sunshine in my window
for pruning bushes with hot sun draining hot sweat, the joy of exertion
for arranging aromatic herbs destined for windowsills,
for freedom from constraints, to choose my time,
for an abundance of peace, learning to be quiet alone.

Shauna Niequist recently wrote a blog post about how she likes to have goals or themes for different seasons of her life that will keep her focused during that time. And I thought this a particularly good idea as I enter into my final fall semester of college. It will be a completely new season of life: living in a house off campus, being a senior, hunting for jobs, answering some relationship questions. I've started thinking about themes for my fall semester and here's what I've come up with so far:
1) Prayer. Learning to rest in quietness, keeping my balance, and living in stability.
2) Freedom from the opinions of others. Not letting my life, whatever part of it, be overly influenced about how I appear to other people, even my friends and family.

I'll add on after I think some more. But it's a start :)

*For all normal, non-Camp Grace people, we have a number cheer at camp which starts off with "count 'em," hence the title as I count blessings.


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