
Showing posts from January, 2014

days of snow.

Here's the thing. Snow days in middle Georgia can't top the snow days of Millersburg, Michigan as a child. Harsh reality. But the last three days have been really nice, not gonna lie, Internet, I've loved it. Snow days in northern Michigan were the closest thing to heaven in the winter. First thing, my dad would be rarin' to go (what is rarin'? anyone else have a grandpa who uses words you've never seen in a book?), and he'd hustle us out of bed and into layers of snow gear. (Whenever I smell wet wool, I think of those mornings.) Living in the middle of nowhere meant my family had the pick of whatever solitary hike we felt like. When we lived on Lake Nettie, we'd hike up into the steep hills over looking the east side of the lake. We'd drag along a sled and the steep hill leading down to the lake was perfect for sledding. It would usually be snowing and the huge flakes would drift down around us and no matter how much noise the three children a

snow day in Macon, GA

soup is simmering and today was a snow day in Macon, Ga, meaning there wasn't any snow or ice here in the sunny south, it was just cold. But a lovely day with no complaints and counting blessings. Thank You LORD God of strength, for southern snow days of sunshine and cool air, for time in my quiet classroom to prepare for my loud crazy children coming tomorrow, for spicy chicken chili and green green avocados, for evenings of freedom because I've worked all day. Also, thinking of dying my hair red, just a nice soft tint. hmmm?

at the end of myself: unpublished post from this past semester

I am drinking coffee again. It's decaf but it's the good stuff, the organic-whole-bean-fresh-brewed drug of choice for this girl. And I'm in a coffee shop, typing again. There was a time, a season where I was gone. I was in Seattle, then several beautiful but hard weeks of camp where I felt like I was stepping into a good, more mature version of myself, then packing with the family in Macon, and a two-day roadtrip where all of our earthly possesions were loaded into vehicles and driven to Northern Michigan. I was home for less than a week, living with parents who were living with grandparents. Then I loaded my essentials into my Oldsmobile and drove south, alone this time and I didn't stop. Twelve hours of driving and limited breaks at Shell gas stations until I hit Chattanooga, Tennessee, with an interview outfit and a car of clothes, a few books, some fine china, and a pillow. I stayed with a good friend in the country and over that week, I interviewed at five schools


After months and months gone, I am back at the blog. I'm not sure how long I'll stay but I want to try to keep it up. So much has happened in the past three seasons of summer, fall, and winter, I'll just quickly make a list to fill you in. Graduated Covenant College and left Chattanooga, TN Flew to Seattle to visit my sister-in-law. Loved Washington.  Worked at Camp Grace again and grew so much there. Then moved with my family to Millersburg, MI where I only stayed four days and then... Packed up my car and drove to Chattanooga to try and find a job. Nothing. And then to Atlanta to see a friend and then a phone call from Macon, GA that led to a series of events that landed me a job teaching high school English at Central High School in Macon, GA. So I've been teaching for this past semester and it's been crazy. One hundred and eighty students. Three preps. Inner city kids. My biggest question as I