
My life since the last post has transitioned into a new season. No more camp or summer shorts, beat-up t-shirts, and head scarfs; no more beautiful seven years olds singing pop songs or coloring for hours. School has begun and I've had to move into a period of organization, arranging my stuff, my time, my attitude. I've set up my dorm room, creating places for clothes, books, posters, movies, old stained couches, and ripped chairs. I've had to place my days into slots, dividing it into my classes, meetings, meals, and homework. My thoughts are just beginning to transition back into this focused, detail-oriented perspective, where I have thousands of little things that I have to make happen, but need to intensely devote myself to one task at a time. When this school mode kicks in, it is easy to forget the world, forget time isn't naturally divided by classes, homework, and friends, forget that people breathe and rest, forget that there is more to life than finishing every task, making every relationship click, or earning all A's, forget that sleep is about rest, not survival. This semester I don't want to be consumed; I want to enjoy. I want to see the beauty around me and revel in it, to learn things that will go with me everywhere, to not rush but to rest. I want to milk the joy, beauty, truth, and love out of these days. I want to see and know Jesus.


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