prayers of praise

Day of Prayer: Sunrise Service at Rock City

Thank you Father 
for not letting me be an orphan, everlasting love in finite spaces, finite places, infinite soul, 
for gooey, glazed donuts, dissolving like dew, succulent sweetness, 
for Niedlov's coffee in blue cracked mugs and the curly headed boy laughing across the room, 
for revelations on pages, an entire morning with books, no demands for productivity or evidences of hard work, just undiluted pure grace, 
for space and time to stare out windows, 
for friends and coffee, filling empty spaces with light, 
for color, brilliant dark red, earthy brown, scratched black and grey, dark dark indigo, grassy green,
for redorangeblue flannel, 
for orange mugs with white foam resting in the bottom,
for new things, difficult stretching things that open up stagnate hearts, bitter providence, dark grace, filling cracks with sweetness. 
for Jesus who is enough.

Praise the One who paid my debt 
and raised this life up from the dead

studying at Niedlov's


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