30 for 30! (my version)

So I linked up to Kendi Everyday's 30 for 30 challenge that starts on June 13. If you're unfamiliar with her 30 for 30, you basically create thirty different outfits using only thirty items of clothing.

For me, my wardrobe is extremely limited, and thirty different outfits is a big deal. (Not to mention my daily uniform as a camp counselor is gym shorts and t-shirts). So I'm tweaking the challenge a little. I plan on doing thirty outfits over the rest of the summer (about two months), instead of thirty days, and I'm also including shopping in the challenge (optional for this 30 for 30). Ultimately my goal is to build a wardrobe through creatively using what I already have and then purchasing some other items to round it all out. My hope is that by the fall I'll have a great foundational wardrobe once I go back to college. 

Clothes have always been a struggle for me. In high school clothes showed what group you were in, and although I tried to model my outfits after the popular girls, I failed. I didn't have enough gumption to actually take risks. I tried to copy everyone else, but there was a part of me that didn't want to be noticed. so during the week, I wore timid colors, browns, blues, grays, and on the weekends (when I was only around family and friends), I wore bold colors, reds, yellows, oranges (and even sometimes pairing them together). Since high  school, my wardrobe and my attitude towards it have changed drastically, and freedom, honesty, and style has worked their way into it. But I still struggle to have a functional, stylish, authentic wardrobe; hence this challenge. 

My wardrobe is still a work in progress, but with the help of this marvelous roommate, I'm improving.


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