cussings and blessings (a post of yesterday)

Let me just say, work has been trying my patience. I won't go into the gory, frustrating details, but today included: one vomiting child, two angry parents, seventeen second-grade girls, one uber-unorganized boss, four "co-counselors," and almost three hours of administrative paperwork and parent-handling. My feet hurt, and yes, to all my avid readers, I felt like cussing. (don't be too shocked...)

But the good things, because as I said (in writing!) this blog will also chronicle blessings, are also numerous. To begin with: options. I have options. I have been praying about friendship lately and new avenues to discovering new friends in Macon, Georgia. and God has provided. I have four or five different groups of people I could invest in at the moment. Tonight there were two Bible studies that I was invited to (though I chose instead to rest after this particular Monday).

Blessing number two: my mom's cooking. I know food has already come up before in the short life of this blog, but food is an epic part of my life and life in general. If you don't appreciate food, you're a loser. Tonight was corn, watermelon, and this German dish which as I write this, I realize I have no idea of its name. Something with pasta, onions, hamburger, and garlic salt. My feet hurt a little less after that warm, good German cooking.

Blessing: prayer. not to get all spiritual but prayer has been a good friend this weekend and I have been truly blessed with a sense of God's peace through prayer and meditating on Philippians 3, especially verses 8-11"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead."

Blessing: kayaking. Yes, I had to haul in several canoe loads of second grade girls, but I got to sit in a kayak and paddle it around the pond and bask in the sunshine and water. It was amazing. When I am old, I will own a kayak and use it daily.

Blessing: During devotions today, I missed when our director handed out what we were suppose to do (which was fine because sometimes those devotions are a little lacking in spiritual stability). So instead I improvised, telling a story about my life and how a particular Bible verse spoke truth to me. And our devotion time was really good. The story gave the lesson concreteness that elementary girls need, and the personal nature captured the girls' interest. And most importantly, Scripture went forth and to the best of my knowledge, truth was spoken. I've always struggled with devotions, wanting that time to be filled with truth and love, that Christ would be seen; but often I feel very lacking in presenting the Gospel and Christ. But today I felt like I connected with my girls and that they would actually remember it.


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