
Life's been a bit tough lately. for lots of reasons, homework, work, friends, figuring how to live well in this place where I'm not sure if I belong yet. Transition is harder than I know. But it's October and I really really want to be happy. I don't want to be messy. I want to rejoice and delight in the wonder of October. The leaves, the pumpkin everything: lattes, candles, muffins, pancakes, decorations (I even bought this huge one today for our house), the colors, the smells, the season of autumn. But, like I said, life's been tough. but I still want to rejoice. I want to celebrate, I want joy. So here's my verse for right now, this area of struggle: Psalm 63:3. "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You."
So for October, its going to be a month of celebration. Of counting blessings because of Christ's love beautifying it all. the struggle and the pain, the colors and smells of this place, of right now.


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