sipping at starbucks.

I'm sipping here at Starbucks. I don't like writing here but Macon doesn't have real coffee shops (just drive through Starbucks); this one happens to have a patio of sorts but still no good view of the sky or anything actually inspiring. I'm facing the back side of an El Sombrero and there's a small parking lot. And it smells like the cigarettes that the employees smoke on their breaks.

So just a few things I've been realizing.

One, I'm able to almost completely detach myself from school when I'm here. Its taken about three days but I'm slipping into this place. My problems at school have been set aside, the independence of dictating my own schedule, the dedication and freedom my schoolwork requires, it all kind of fades a little bit. Its more calm here, but also less exciting. More steady maybe with the stability of a family.

Two, I discovered pumpkin spice chai tea lattes. Who knew, right? They EXIST.

Three, my SIP, this huge essay I'm writing, is going kind of badly. After hearing feedback from a professor, I'm realizing how bad I am at this. What I need to do next is develop a persona in order to figure out what my story is. yeah, its as complex as it sounds. Man, how do you know if you're a writer anyway? Is there a point where you arrive? Because I don't think thats ever going to happen; maybe I should just quit now. I could probably get a job at department store...

Four, teaching is so freakin exciting. I observed a high school English classroom today and during some down time, I planned out how I'd decorate my classroom when I'm a teacher. white Christmas lights, plants, old glass bottles in different colors to set in front of a window.

Five, my God will provide. Amen our Lord is faithful. Praise the Lord.  


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